Looking After, 2010

Looking After, 2010

Installation view, Looking After at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA


Remains of the Day, 2010

Remains of the Day, 2010

Detail of mixed media sculpture with pigment prints, wood, styrofoam and ash.

42" x 28" x 12"

Water Log, 2010

Water Log, 2010

Detail of larger work. Mixed media sculpture with paint and flocking on shelf made from lath, wood, plaster and flocking with painting on panel.

28" x 12" x 9"


Water Log, 2010

Water Log, 2010

Detail of larger work. Mixed media sculpture with paint, spray foam and ash on pedestal made from plywood. 

22" x 10" x 10"

Water Log, 2010

Water Log, 2010

Detail of larger work. Mixed media sculpture with wood, lath, molding, paint and object made from plaster, paint and ash on shelf covered with flocking.

18" x 20" x 9" 

Saving the Alligator, 2010

Saving the Alligator, 2010

Mixed media and paint on panel with foam rubber and rubber band.

14" x 13"

Path, 2008

Path, 2008

From When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA.

Mixed media sculpture with wood, plaster, paint, flocking and thread.

32" x 16" x 19"



Berg, 2008

Berg, 2008

From When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Mixed media sculpture with wood, plaster, artificial snow, paint and glass crystals.

21" x 42" x 10"

When Hell Freezes Over, 2008

When Hell Freezes Over, 2008

Installation view, When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA


The Facts Embroidered, 2008

The Facts Embroidered, 2008

Mixed media sculpture with photograph on canvas, foam rubber object with string and shelf with bath mat from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

16" x 38" x 10"

The Falls, 2008

The Falls, 2008

Mixed media sculpture with blanket scraps, painted panel and shelf covered with flocking from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

35" x 12" x 6"

A Scene from the Abominable Snowman Interpretation Center, 2008

A Scene from the Abominable Snowman Interpretation Center, 2008

Mixed media sculpture with painted panel, flocking, drawing on rubber, string and fur glove from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

16" x 12" x 4"

Fort and Flag, 2008

Fort and Flag, 2008

Mixed media installation from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Mixed media snow ball fort with individual snowballs made from wire, plaster, artificial snow, paint and glass crystals. 

Dimensions variable, approximately 54" x 50"

Mixed media flag made from photograph printed on cotton, metal armature, wood and sculptural base made from wire, plaster, artificial snow, paint and glass crystals.

78" x 38"


Soiled, 2008

Soiled, 2008

Mixed media sculpture made with plaster, wire, paint, artificial snow and glass crystals from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

8" x 9"


Dirtball, 2007

Dirtball, 2007

Mixed media sculpture with photograph printed on cotton and sculpture made with plaster, wire, paint, artificial snow and glass crystals from Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA

Photograph on cotton, 30" x 22"

Sculpture, 8" x 8"

Dominion, 2007

Dominion, 2007

Installation view, Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA


Dominion, 2007

Dominion, 2007

Installation view at ampersand arts, San Francisco


Whittled Away, 2007

Whittled Away, 2007

Mixed media with hard carved wooden sculpture and shoestring on metal box from Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA

Sculpture, 12" x 8"

Metal box, 7" x 14" x 7"


Ivory Products, 2007

Ivory Products, 2007

Diorama case with hand carved sculptures made from bars of Ivory soap, satin fabric, leather and drawing on leather from Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA

Diorama case, 40" x 40" x 10"

Petting Zoo Pongo, 2007

Petting Zoo Pongo, 2007

Diorama case with gorilla paw sculpture made from plaster, paint and dog fur, drawing on school paper, text on cardboard, string, cardboard, foam rubber and vinyl from Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA

Diorama case, 40" x 40" x 10"

Diorama with Deer in Forest, 2005

Diorama with Deer in Forest, 2005

Diorama case with mixed media sculpture made from plaster, chickenwire, wood, faux fur and string with velvet, fleece blanket scrap and astroturf from As If at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Diorama case, 40" x 40" x 10"



The Three Emperors, 2005

The Three Emperors, 2005

Mixed media sculpture with models of penguins made from chickenwire, spray foam, burlap, towels and rubber on display table with towels and artificial snow from As If at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Penguins are approximately 24" in height

The Three Emperors, 2005

The Three Emperors, 2005

Detail of mixed media sculpture with models of penguins made from chickenwire, spray foam, burlap, towels and rubber on display table with towels and artificial snow from As If at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Penguins are approximately 24" in height

The Workshop for Alternative Aquatic Taxidermy, 2002

The Workshop for Alternative Aquatic Taxidermy, 2002

Installation view from The Workshop for Alternative Aquatic Taxidermy at The Lab, San Francisco, CA

Mixed media fish models made from wood, fabric, excelsior and paint on mixed media display units and drawing on rear wall.

Dimensions variable.


Looking After, 2010

Installation view, Looking After at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA


Remains of the Day, 2010

Detail of mixed media sculpture with pigment prints, wood, styrofoam and ash.

42" x 28" x 12"

Water Log, 2010

Detail of larger work. Mixed media sculpture with paint and flocking on shelf made from lath, wood, plaster and flocking with painting on panel.

28" x 12" x 9"


Water Log, 2010

Detail of larger work. Mixed media sculpture with paint, spray foam and ash on pedestal made from plywood. 

22" x 10" x 10"

Water Log, 2010

Detail of larger work. Mixed media sculpture with wood, lath, molding, paint and object made from plaster, paint and ash on shelf covered with flocking.

18" x 20" x 9" 

Saving the Alligator, 2010

Mixed media and paint on panel with foam rubber and rubber band.

14" x 13"

Path, 2008

From When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA.

Mixed media sculpture with wood, plaster, paint, flocking and thread.

32" x 16" x 19"



Berg, 2008

From When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Mixed media sculpture with wood, plaster, artificial snow, paint and glass crystals.

21" x 42" x 10"

When Hell Freezes Over, 2008

Installation view, When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA


The Facts Embroidered, 2008

Mixed media sculpture with photograph on canvas, foam rubber object with string and shelf with bath mat from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

16" x 38" x 10"

The Falls, 2008

Mixed media sculpture with blanket scraps, painted panel and shelf covered with flocking from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

35" x 12" x 6"

A Scene from the Abominable Snowman Interpretation Center, 2008

Mixed media sculpture with painted panel, flocking, drawing on rubber, string and fur glove from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

16" x 12" x 4"

Fort and Flag, 2008

Mixed media installation from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Mixed media snow ball fort with individual snowballs made from wire, plaster, artificial snow, paint and glass crystals. 

Dimensions variable, approximately 54" x 50"

Mixed media flag made from photograph printed on cotton, metal armature, wood and sculptural base made from wire, plaster, artificial snow, paint and glass crystals.

78" x 38"


Soiled, 2008

Mixed media sculpture made with plaster, wire, paint, artificial snow and glass crystals from When Hell Freezes Over at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

8" x 9"


Dirtball, 2007

Mixed media sculpture with photograph printed on cotton and sculpture made with plaster, wire, paint, artificial snow and glass crystals from Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA

Photograph on cotton, 30" x 22"

Sculpture, 8" x 8"

Dominion, 2007

Installation view, Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA


Dominion, 2007

Installation view at ampersand arts, San Francisco


Whittled Away, 2007

Mixed media with hard carved wooden sculpture and shoestring on metal box from Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA

Sculpture, 12" x 8"

Metal box, 7" x 14" x 7"


Ivory Products, 2007

Diorama case with hand carved sculptures made from bars of Ivory soap, satin fabric, leather and drawing on leather from Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA

Diorama case, 40" x 40" x 10"

Petting Zoo Pongo, 2007

Diorama case with gorilla paw sculpture made from plaster, paint and dog fur, drawing on school paper, text on cardboard, string, cardboard, foam rubber and vinyl from Dominion at ampersand arts, San Francisco, CA

Diorama case, 40" x 40" x 10"

Diorama with Deer in Forest, 2005

Diorama case with mixed media sculpture made from plaster, chickenwire, wood, faux fur and string with velvet, fleece blanket scrap and astroturf from As If at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Diorama case, 40" x 40" x 10"



The Three Emperors, 2005

Mixed media sculpture with models of penguins made from chickenwire, spray foam, burlap, towels and rubber on display table with towels and artificial snow from As If at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Penguins are approximately 24" in height

The Three Emperors, 2005

Detail of mixed media sculpture with models of penguins made from chickenwire, spray foam, burlap, towels and rubber on display table with towels and artificial snow from As If at Gallery 16, San Francisco, CA

Penguins are approximately 24" in height

The Workshop for Alternative Aquatic Taxidermy, 2002

Installation view from The Workshop for Alternative Aquatic Taxidermy at The Lab, San Francisco, CA

Mixed media fish models made from wood, fabric, excelsior and paint on mixed media display units and drawing on rear wall.

Dimensions variable.


Looking After, 2010
Remains of the Day, 2010
Water Log, 2010
Water Log, 2010
Water Log, 2010
Saving the Alligator, 2010
Path, 2008
Berg, 2008
When Hell Freezes Over, 2008
The Facts Embroidered, 2008
The Falls, 2008
A Scene from the Abominable Snowman Interpretation Center, 2008
Fort and Flag, 2008
Soiled, 2008
Dirtball, 2007
Dominion, 2007
Dominion, 2007
Whittled Away, 2007
Ivory Products, 2007
Petting Zoo Pongo, 2007
Diorama with Deer in Forest, 2005
The Three Emperors, 2005
The Three Emperors, 2005
The Workshop for Alternative Aquatic Taxidermy, 2002